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White Tailwing

Making alternative power accessible

Stage Zero
Web App

Stage Zero is a solar and UPS provider that puts power in the hands of the consumer.

With an energy crisis facing the world, and Load Shedding a daily reality for South Africans, Stage Zero provides affordable, understandable energy alternatives. It gives people access to solar power and backup without an upfront capital investment, while making it simple to understand, order and manage.

The Challenge

Simplify solar and make it easy to order

Our challenge was to make solar and backup systems easy to purchase online, without having to be tech savvy or an energy expert.

We designed a slick wizard to help Stage Zero’s customers understand their requirements and choose the right system for their property. It also lets users compare their monthly payment estimate with what they’re currently paying Eskom.

Brand Design
Design System
Product Strategy
UI Design
UX Design
The Solution

Home solar in a few steps

The solar wizard allows a user to answer a few questions about their needs and property, and tailors a solar and back-up solution specifically for them.

Usage dashboard

The customer portal empowers users to track their energy usage. The clean, user-friendly interface makes it easy for them to understand and monitor their solar performance.

The Results

An end-to-end experience for users to understand their energy needs, order online and manage their power.


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